Note: The video says Spring 2024, however due to popular demand we have scheduled an experience for Nov 15-16, 2024. Sign up will open September 9
You deserve a website that takes you from overlooked to fully booked
Arrive on Day 1 empty-handed.
Leave on Day 2 with a breathtaking website.
100% of participants have been able to do this – so can you!
If you are not proud of your website and it’s not converting strangers into email subscribers, and email subscribers into paying clients – it is failing you.
November 15 + 16, 2024
So how is your current website really doing?
A good website will convert a visitor into either an email subscriber or an appointment, phone call, or email.
Anything less than that… your website has failed you.
How many of these statements ring true for you?
Is your website…
This is usually a result of DIY gone wrong. No matter how hard you try, even buying a template and a course, DIY websites will always look DIY.
In the same way, you want people to use you for your expertise, you should use an expert for your website.
With our help, you’ll never feel embarrassed to send someone to your website again.
You’ll feel proud, excited, and confident about the experience they will have.
Not your niche?
This is common for travel advisors who are given websites to customize from their host agency. Because it wasn’t built for your travel business it is generic.
It has generic travel images, generic copy (words), and generic pages. It shouldn’t be that way.
Your website should only show the destinations and experiences of the type of travel you want to sell.
It shouldn’t send your visitors away from your website. It should convert them to appointments and email subscribers
Out of your control?
If your site is controlled by someone else, if it has ads on it, if your email list is marketed on “your behalf”, you don’t have your hands on the wheel of your own business.
As a business owner, you need to control the narrative of your business which means having the capacity to change 100% of your website 24/7.
If you change host agencies or become an independent travel advisor, take your website with you and you won’t start from scratch.

Lisa Traynor on why she signed up and what her experience was like...
I chose to do TMM Website in a Weekend because I wanted a website I could be proud of, one that reflected me as a Travel Advisor, one that would inspire potential clients and one that would represent my brand to the best of its ability.
I knew my DIY website was not it. I was not proud of it; therefore I did not promote it. And that made no sense!
I knew my website was my “store-front” and needed to be the best it could be. But I needed serious help to get it there.
Once I clicked the “Register Now” button I felt this huge sense of relief – help was on the way!
I started to get nervous, but reminded myself that my DIY attempt could not get any worse so this weekend could only improve the situation.
And once I started receiving the emails from Sandra on things we needed to do before the workshop I was nothing but excited!
They were so helpful and really made the pre-workshop planning process easy and much less intimidating.
I was very uncertain about my ability to write effective copy. I did not know how to pick inspiring pictures, how to lay out the framework.
I am not a web designer. That is why I needed help.
I felt very supported and encouraged throughout the weekend.
Having the Travel Marketing & Media ® team in a private chat room to fix any issues in real time was fantastic.
Having our questions answered as we moved through the process was very helpful. It made the entire process make more sense.
Building the website in real time, going step by step not only built my site, but gave me the knowledge I needed to be able to run and work in my site. That is huge!
I can make changes, I understand how it works and I don’t have to be intimated anymore.
I am so proud of it! I love it! It was SO worth it!
There were so many highlights. But seeing my website come together and be a representation of my brand is the cherry on top of the ice cream on top of the cake! It now really is something I am proud of. It clearly defines my niche. It speaks to those I want to work with.
I am so glad I made this investment and would recommend it to anyone.
You can’t have a stable and profitable travel business without a consistent stream of new clients.
Most travel advisors (around 99% of the ones that we know) hate their websites.
They are either embarrassed by it or say that it doesn’t reflect the type of travel that they want to sell.
They want a website that reflects the type of travel they want to sell and one that attracts the type of clients they want to work with – their ideal client.
When people visit your website they are looking for three things
To know that you are an actual expert with experience (basically that you are who you say you are)
That the type of travel they enjoy is something you have vast knowledge in (that you can offer them ideas and match them up to the very best accommodation and experiences)
That you have happy clients

Stop being overlooked and start being fully booked
❌ A DIY looking brand
❌ Random travel images
❌ Words that don’t even make sense
❌ Quick visits
❌ Curious searchers
❌ Outdated content on your site
➡️ A sophisticated + professional brand
➡️ Niche & audience targeted images
➡️ Words that make people take action
➡️ Return visitors + people who bookmark your site
➡️ Confirmed appointments in your calendar
➡️ Quick edits that you can do with confidence anytime
A perfectly clear core message (elevator pitch) that you can tell the world with confidence.
The confidence to use our writing framework when you sit down to write social posts, emails, or marketing materials moving forward. The tactics and skills you will learn will serve you for many years to come.
A stunning visual brand board that you can share with new team members as you onboard or outsource, ensuring that new content and assets are created with consistency.
A beautifully laid out website that is ready to connect as soon as you are. It will have images (provided by us, chosen by you) and copy that is in direct alignment with your sales goals.
An entire website of copy (content) written with our high converting framework based on the Storybrand method and adjusted to travel consumers.
Clarity on how to move forward with editing your site when you need to. You’ll know how to add new content such as blogs/articles, podcast episodes or videos, pages for group travel or make simple edits.

Ready for your new website?
When it’s broken, replace it
It makes zero sense to have a website that doesn’t work. Not only is it counterproductive. It actually does your business harm. It’s like having a bad storefront, only it’s open 24/7 for the whole world to find.
If you aren’t currently getting enough bookings, not having a high converting website is your first problem.
If you are getting enough bookings, but are getting the wrong type of clients, your website is also hurting you.
Every travel advisor should have a website that reflects their niche and attracts the type of traveler that they want to work with. Isn’t that a basic business right? Yet our industry doesn’t set you up that way. It’s time you took control of your business.

Is it the right fit for my business? The answer is YES if...✔️ You own a business in the travel industry or are about to start one selling outbound travel ✔️ You struggle to hit your goals no matter how hard you try ✔️ You’re always busy but need to be more productive ✔️ You want to find a faster way to do things without getting overwhelmed by tech ✔️ You want to be better with your business planning and financials ✔️ You want to have a real marketing plan that works ✔️ You love having positive people around you who want to get things done ✔️ You have big responsibilities and bigger goals for your business and your life
So how will it help me?We only give you tools and resources that we’ve tried ourselves and actually worked We only teach you tactics that we used and got results with ourselves We explain everything step by step in detail giving examples across all niches of travel We have over 2 decades of experience inside the travel industry so know how to apply the best marketing tools and strategies to this industry You’ll always have us in your pocket (or purse). You literally will never be alone in your business again.
Wait.. why is it FREE?!Honestly? We know that if you try our free level of membership you’ll love and value it so much that when the time is right, you’ll upgrade to our paid membership. We are so confident that we put our time, energy and expertise out there for you to try for free, until you’re ready. And when you are ready to upgrade, you’ll continue to receive everything in the app PLUS the incredible big deal upgrades like gift cards (like $70 worth every single month), amazing magazines full of scripts, tips and help, and coaching sessions with Sandra twice per month.
What are the LITE and PRO membership levels?You can check out the full details here.
When is the upgrade window LITE and PRO levels?It is currently schedule for the last week of May 2022 and the last week of October 2022. We will let you know right before the upgrade window opens. But for now we really don’t want you to worry about that. Please just enjoy our free level of membership and focus on implementing the new skills, tools, tactics and strategies that you learn here.
Who created this app and why?This app was created by the Travel Marketing and Media founder and president, Sandra McLemore. She has an incredible business background (with a strong marketing focus) but most importantly has worked, lived and breathed in the travel industry since starting out her career as a travel advisor back in the late 90s. She worked her way up to VP level of the world’s biggest travel brands while simultaneously building a successful on-air career as a travel TV host who is on speed dial for the big news networks and morning shows. Sandra has coached over 15, 000 travel advisors and the results have been breathtaking both before and during the pandemic. Award-winning and highly profitable agencies started and scaled under her mentorship. Through this app Sandra is excited to extend her coaching to expertise to more travel advisors, including you. You deserve to have her help. It starts right here, right now.
One last time... what do I get?✔️ Self-paced mini travel marketing courses. Take them for free at your own pace and learn new skills and strategies that will make a difference in your travel business. ✔️ For those of you who are visual learners and love to read, there is an article library that holds tactics, strategies and tips to help you with your biggest challenges. ✔️ Video Q&A - Sandra answers your questions and then invites the travel advisor community to weigh in with their experiences and thoughts so that you gain different perspectives, ideas and support. ✔️ Video tutorials showing you fast and easy ways to do things in programs like Canva, Instagram, Facebook, Google Drive, Trello, Wix, Convertkit, Flodesk, Mailerlite, Trello and more (basically tools that make your life easier!) And way more! Scroll up to see.
How often is new content added?Every single week we will add new content. You can look forward to new articles, new Q&A videos, or new podcast episodes.
It feels too good to be true, what do you want from me?We’d be lying if we said we didn’t want something, we do. We want two things. We want you to share this with your travel advisor friends. Wherever you meet another travel advisor at a conference or event tell them about it. They can find us by searching for Travel Marketing in the app store on iTunes or Google Play. When the next enrollment window opens, try out LITE or PRO membership. Give it a go and see how much time and money it saves your business, how consistently it gives you quality content to share, and much joy it will bring to your marketing efforts. And if you don’t like it, you can go back to the free version at any time with the click of a few buttons. No hard feelings. You deserve to have a business that is wildly profitable and brings you joy. It starts here on this app.
Do I need to ever give my credit card info?No, as a free member we will never ask for any payment information unless you choose to make a purchase from our online shop or upgrade your membership to LITE or PRO.
If I upgrade during the window, can I switch back to the free level?Yes, you can flip back to the free level at any time but HEY! We know that if you upgrade to LITE or PRO later down the track you’ll love it so much you’ll never want to lose it.

In just one weekend you can have a new website for your travel business.
In just one weekend Sandra and her team will walk you step by step through the process of creating a breathtaking travel website.
By the end of the weekend you will have completed the following tasks with our expert support and guidance:
Confidently written your copy for the entire website (even if you think you're the worst writer in the world)
Mapped out your 3 step service process
Explained your services (and fee) in a way that your visitors will understand
Created a stunning visual brand for your business (colors, fonts, submark, favicon, and a sophisticated typography logo)
Written your core message (elevator pitch)
Prepared all of your pages for strong SEO results.
Written your tagline
Set up an email marketing platform (opt-in form and welcome email. We will show you how to do this on Mailerlite, ConvertKit & Flodesk but you can switch out to any provider)
Have chosen your images (Sandra will curate a gallery for your niche and ideal client)
Set up a space for your weekly content to live on your website (articles/blogs, podcasts, or videos)
Layout your content on your website

We hear this often. Firstly, know that you’re not alone.
We love that host agencies and franchises set up travel advisors with websites because otherwise most of you would have nothing at all.
But here’s the problem… the website you are given likely has one or more of the following challenges:
You may have supplier ads all over your site that click through to them or advertise promotions (giving your website visitors the impression that you are price competitive)
It’s possible that if you are focused on building your email list, your host agency or franchise is also marketing to that same list. Some agencies have been known to distribute your leads to the highest selling advisors. This means that your subscriber list isn’t really yours and as a business owner it is actually one of your most important marketing assets.
While your website doesn’t reflect that, you may have declared a niche like family, romance, river cruising, food, ocean cruising, etc. If your website doesn’t reflect your niche, it definitely won’t resonate with your ideal client when they visit it.
You are probably very limited in the type of changes that you can make to your website. Can you change the branding? Can you add new pages? Can you change the layout? Can you embed opt-in forms? Can you remove any advertising? As a business owner, it is critical that you control your business’s narrative, which means that you need to have your hands on the wheel at all times.
Kim shares her experience on why she signed up and the fears that she had going into the event
I chose Website in a Weekend because I was ready to graduate from a DIY website with images that were too large and copy that was too wordy and didn’t communicate my value or fully explain my services in an effective way.
Going into the weekend, I was excited and open to learning but also a little apprehensive that I would be writing code and not being able to get through the material in one weekend.
I was confident that with direction and editing, I would come away with well-written copy that communicated what I wanted to potential clients.
Throughout the experience, I felt supported and encouraged.
There was some level of business coaching as part of the weekend that helped me decide to finally start charging planning fees with the launch of my new website.
I have always been excited and proud of my business and the services I provide.
After Website in a Weekend, I feel like my website now matches that pride and confidence and portrays it to the world in a well thought out and beautiful format!
The highlight of the experience was opening the template of my new website for the very first time and being blown away by the gorgeous layout that I know would have taken me months of you tube videos to even attempt to put together half as well on my own.

The layout we begin with was designed by Sandra McLemore. It is a hybrid of Donald Miller’s StoryBrand framework (Sandra traveled to Nashville to study in person with him) and Sandra’s 2 decades of travel industry experience. While you start out with the same foundation as other travel advisors, the end result is uniquely yours.
It will have your visual brand – colors, font pairing and logo
It will have your copy (words)
It will have images that reflect your niche (the type of travel that you want to sell) so that it resonates with the type of people you want to book (your ideal client).

You will receive videos for every section of your website, so you can revisit something you learned in the live experience. Your video library will be available for 6 months.
We specifically build websites on the Wix platform due to its ease of use. If you’re a visual learner, you’ll love their online knowledge base and YouTube tutorials for additional support.
Because you will be so hands-on in building your website, we have no doubt that you’ll be able to edit and manage your site or hire someone to do that.
Website in a Weekend will be held virtually over two days; November 15 - November 16,2024.
You should expect to begin at 8 am PT on both days.
On Day 1, we typically end around 3 pm PT.
On Day 2 we typically end around 1 pm PT.
It will not be recorded as it is a LIVE interactive workshop event with hands-on sessions in real-time. It just doesn’t work as a replay.
You will, however, receive short recorded videos showing you how to edit each section of your website. These will be available for a full six months and are a great way to revisit any part of the live experience.

Is it the right fit for my business? The answer is YES if...✔️ You own a business in the travel industry or are about to start one selling outbound travel ✔️ You struggle to hit your goals no matter how hard you try ✔️ You’re always busy but need to be more productive ✔️ You want to find a faster way to do things without getting overwhelmed by tech ✔️ You want to be better with your business planning and financials ✔️ You want to have a real marketing plan that works ✔️ You love having positive people around you who want to get things done ✔️ You have big responsibilities and bigger goals for your business and your life
So how will it help me?We only give you tools and resources that we’ve tried ourselves and actually worked We only teach you tactics that we used and got results with ourselves We explain everything step by step in detail giving examples across all niches of travel We have over 2 decades of experience inside the travel industry so know how to apply the best marketing tools and strategies to this industry You’ll always have us in your pocket (or purse). You literally will never be alone in your business again.
Wait.. why is it FREE?!Honestly? We know that if you try our free level of membership you’ll love and value it so much that when the time is right, you’ll upgrade to our paid membership. We are so confident that we put our time, energy and expertise out there for you to try for free, until you’re ready. And when you are ready to upgrade, you’ll continue to receive everything in the app PLUS the incredible big deal upgrades like gift cards (like $70 worth every single month), amazing magazines full of scripts, tips and help, and coaching sessions with Sandra twice per month.
What are the LITE and PRO membership levels?You can check out the full details here.
When is the upgrade window LITE and PRO levels?It is currently schedule for the last week of May 2022 and the last week of October 2022. We will let you know right before the upgrade window opens. But for now we really don’t want you to worry about that. Please just enjoy our free level of membership and focus on implementing the new skills, tools, tactics and strategies that you learn here.
Who created this app and why?This app was created by the Travel Marketing and Media founder and president, Sandra McLemore. She has an incredible business background (with a strong marketing focus) but most importantly has worked, lived and breathed in the travel industry since starting out her career as a travel advisor back in the late 90s. She worked her way up to VP level of the world’s biggest travel brands while simultaneously building a successful on-air career as a travel TV host who is on speed dial for the big news networks and morning shows. Sandra has coached over 15, 000 travel advisors and the results have been breathtaking both before and during the pandemic. Award-winning and highly profitable agencies started and scaled under her mentorship. Through this app Sandra is excited to extend her coaching to expertise to more travel advisors, including you. You deserve to have her help. It starts right here, right now.
One last time... what do I get?✔️ Self-paced mini travel marketing courses. Take them for free at your own pace and learn new skills and strategies that will make a difference in your travel business. ✔️ For those of you who are visual learners and love to read, there is an article library that holds tactics, strategies and tips to help you with your biggest challenges. ✔️ Video Q&A - Sandra answers your questions and then invites the travel advisor community to weigh in with their experiences and thoughts so that you gain different perspectives, ideas and support. ✔️ Video tutorials showing you fast and easy ways to do things in programs like Canva, Instagram, Facebook, Google Drive, Trello, Wix, Convertkit, Flodesk, Mailerlite, Trello and more (basically tools that make your life easier!) And way more! Scroll up to see.
How often is new content added?Every single week we will add new content. You can look forward to new articles, new Q&A videos, or new podcast episodes.
It feels too good to be true, what do you want from me?We’d be lying if we said we didn’t want something, we do. We want two things. We want you to share this with your travel advisor friends. Wherever you meet another travel advisor at a conference or event tell them about it. They can find us by searching for Travel Marketing in the app store on iTunes or Google Play. When the next enrollment window opens, try out LITE or PRO membership. Give it a go and see how much time and money it saves your business, how consistently it gives you quality content to share, and much joy it will bring to your marketing efforts. And if you don’t like it, you can go back to the free version at any time with the click of a few buttons. No hard feelings. You deserve to have a business that is wildly profitable and brings you joy. It starts here on this app.
Do I need to ever give my credit card info?No, as a free member we will never ask for any payment information unless you choose to make a purchase from our online shop or upgrade your membership to LITE or PRO.
If I upgrade during the window, can I switch back to the free level?Yes, you can flip back to the free level at any time but HEY! We know that if you upgrade to LITE or PRO later down the track you’ll love it so much you’ll never want to lose it.
If your website is not converting visitors to email subscribers or appointments and phone calls.... it is failing you.
Website in a Weekend - Hands Off
You'll have copy written for you, images provided, and receive the exact website as the Website in a Weekend participants.
The difference? We do all the work for you. Once a spot opens up, your website will be scheduled for an upcoming weekend and built in just two days!
VIP Branding and Website Experience
With this option, we design and write the copy from scratch. The process takes around two weeks, depending on how quickly you can make decisions. Learn more